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  1. Blog category
    •  Clients

    Empowering our People to Empower our Customers

    Our lives are entwined with technology. We see as it becomes more innovative than it was last week, more fluid than it was the day before. We see the constant improvements that it brings us and how it makes our lives easier instead of harder. Why then, when we often deal with the telecommunications industry does it feel like the reverse is true?

    Group of people around a laptop
  2. Blog category
    •  Opinion

    The key ingredients of a connected building

    Being involved with delivering networks to commercial buildings for over 10 years, I have seen the trend move towards getting the best possible speed available. As more and more work is done online, the desire to have quicker speeds becomes one of the biggest drivers in today's market when looking for commercial space.

    Buildings from below
  3. Along with extending our £2,500 Gigabit Voucher Scheme discount, Telcom are mindful that the immediate financial impact of the coronavirus has been severe to many and businesses are looking at what financial support is available from their service providers. This is why we have created the ‘Bounce Back Connection Scheme’ to support the businesses that need it the most right now.

    Laptop from above
  4. On Thursday 14th May at 1pm, the UK government ended their GBVS (Gigabit Broadband Voucher Scheme) which gave SME’s a grant of £2,500 towards the cost of their internet connection. As the installation fees for 36 month+ contracts are typically built into your monthly cost, the value of the grant equated to just under a £70 per month discount.

    Laptops from the side
  5. Comparing business internet service providers (ISP) is tricky so therefore knowing what to ask when deciding on your next supplier can be pretty difficult. In this article I shall offer you some insight to what questions are commonly asked but don't really give you much differentiating information when comparing suppliers and the alternatives that you can try the next time you are assessing which fibre leased line provider is best for your business.

    Two laptops facing each other
  6. Blog category
    •  Opinion

    Never be without the internet again!

    So your business is pretty established, in fact you’ve outgrown your current you just move offices right?...and everything goes smoothly doesn’t it?

    Office environment
  7. Blog category
    •  Opinion

    Future Proofing the North West's Digital infrastructure

    We’re in the midst of a digital revolution. Across the North and in our home city of Manchester, the rise of new technologies and cloud services are radically transforming the way we live and work. The government investment in gigabit capable infrastructure will have a transformative effect on public services across GM and businesses can expect the new infrastructure to have a significant impact. Faster speeds, better reliability and less internet downtime are just some of the benefits of full fibre connectivity. Enabling access to a new generation of digital services will be a catalyst for innovation, promote creativity and drive the economic and social development of Manchester. Telcom’s investment in this next generation infrastructure, will, in a very short space of time have impact from the city centre to all boroughs in Greater Manchester.

    Fibre cable effect
  8. Blog category
    •  Announcement

    Introducing Telcom Wholesale

    Connectivity is critical to businesses ever growing demand for capacity and bandwidth. Customers have an increasing need to expand their services and deliver on a global scale. June saw the soft launch of our new division Telcom Wholesale, with the aim of disrupting the channel market, providing tailored solutions, comprehensive support and a personalised approach to communication providers. In a fast-moving business world, where customers need a flexible approach to connectivity and scalable bandwidth to run everything from cloud services to hosted telephony, our infrastructure and expertise at Telcom Wholesale are uniquely positioned to provide this.

    Wholesale Platform screenshot