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What is a Leased Line?

, 3 minute read

What is a leased line, why would I need one, and what are my options? We answer some of DIA’s most FAQs.

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Understanding Leased Line Services for UK Businesses

, 2 minute read

In the digital age, connectivity is the cornerstone of success for businesses across all industries. In this guide, we'll dive into what leased lines are, how they work, and why they're beneficial for businesses in the UK.

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Beating January Blues

, 2 minute read

Every year January comes around and affects our Mental Health more than what we know, trying a few of these tips may help to bring some positives and improve our mental wellbeing amongst the dreariness.

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SpaceX plans to bring internet to outer space

In November, the company took the plans forward by requesting permission from the US government to operate a massive network of over 4,400 satellites to provide high-speed, global internet coverage. The proposal describes an initial launch of 800 satellites to create an orbiting digital communications array to cover the United States initially.

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Santa vs Internet: who's faster?

How fast is fibre internet in miles travelled, and how does it fare against Santa, who must reach millions of children in just a few hours? Welcome to the ultimate Christmas showdown.


Superfast internet is becoming more widespread for home customers, and not just big business teams.

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What are the fastest cities (and countries) in the world?

A long time has passed since we had to choose between connecting to the internet and using the phone. But, though many can still vividly remember that time, things have changed fast. Over the past 15 years, the average download volume has grown 200 times and, though dial-up was only able to transfer at 56 kbps, the fastest available equipment in the world is capable of handling speeds 178,571 times faster than that.

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What is blown fibre? (How we make buildings ultrafast)

Though most devices now connect to the internet wirelessly through wifi, 4G, and (in the near future) 5G, most of the internet network actually relies on different types of cables. One of them is fibre optic. Instead of being made of insulated metal wires transmitting electrical signals, fibre optic cables are made of strands of glass transmitting pulses of light.

Fibre cable effect
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Meet the team: Rob and Gaz from the Telcom field team

After leaving the Armed forces, after serving fourteen years, I served three years employed by Metronet (now M247) before moving to Telcom last year. After leaving the Armed forces I was contacted by a close friend (Lee Lawrence - then operations director of M247) who offered me a role within the engineering department at Metronet (now M247).

Telcom Vans
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What is 5G and why it matters

5G is the upcoming evolution of wireless internet, succeeding 4G LTE which is currently the standard for mobile internet. Depending on the connection available, your phone will say either 4G or LTE next to the signal strength bars (unless you’re on a train, then any G would be welcome).

Mobile phone in hand
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