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  1. Blog category
    •  Opinion

    SpaceX plans to bring internet to outer space

    In November, the company took the plans forward by requesting permission from the US government to operate a massive network of over 4,400 satellites to provide high-speed, global internet coverage. The proposal describes an initial launch of 800 satellites to create an orbiting digital communications array to cover the United States initially.

  2. As Manchester establishes its position as a leader in the nation’s digital revolution, connectivity and modern infrastructure are becoming more and more central to the future of the city. This is why landlords and businesses are looking for ways to ensure they can rely on the latest internet infrastructure, that is not only robust enough for today’s needs, but also ready for future uses.

  3. Blog category
    •  Guide

    Connecting businesses to a world class data centre

    At Telcom, we love technology and are committed to giving a great experience to our customers. This is why this month we are particularly pleased to announce our partnership with LDeX Group, one of the most established and trusted brands in delivering data centres for mission-critical services to businesses around the world.

  4. Blog category
    •  Guide

    Faster internet deserves better calls.

    Look at your smartphone. Ten years ago, it would have had a multitude of physical keys. And a very small screen. Possibly no apps. Go back a few more years, and it would have had a black and white screen.

  5. Blog category
    •  Announcement

    Connecting coworking spaces to ultrafast business internet

    In Manchester, where the core of our team is based, we have connected SpacePortX for the past two years, a tech coworking space that is home to many startups and freelancers. The following year Rookie Oven, a shared office space connecting Glasgow startups, was connected to hybrid internet.

    Office building